Doing Nothing!
On my Adventure to Australia this past December for my Access Certified Facilitator Training I was on a plane for 27 hours in a small...
Changing Structure with Bodies
What if changing your body, the shape & structure could be way more ease than you imagined? What if your body responded to a question??...
How to have more Gratitude
Five ways to have more Gratitude: 1. Create a gratitude jar. Fill it with handwritten notes of gratitude...."I’m thankful for"... You can...
Beyond Labels and Limitations
Are you willing to go Beyond the Labels and Limitations to be the Greatness of You? What labels and limitations are you holding onto so...
What are your Superpowers?
You don't have to have a Cape to be a Superhero....You don't even have to be a Superhero to have Superpowers. We all have Superpowers--it...
Autism & Access Bars
The Access Bars® are designed to create more consciousness for you, your body and the planet! They are made up of 32 points on the head...
What's Your Flavor?
Is it Popcorn? Is it Champagne? Is it Yoga? Or Gardening? Maybe it's Nature? Or Music? Is it Cooking? I was speaking with a friend the...
Beyond the Comfort Zone
Let the Adventures Begin!! As another year rolls along, I have been acknowledging where I have stepped beyond that Place called the ......
What are you building?
Yes, there has been tumultuous times lately... It has shown up in many different ways. You look at your computer or the TV or turn on the...
The Ascension Summit 2017
Elevate! Evolve! Expand! Join 20 Experts June 28 & June 29 in the comfort of your own home or office! Listen online to create more with...